Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Health Problems Of Energy Drinks - 958 Words

Would you drink something that is associated with health problems and even death? Energy drinks are highly caffeinated beverages that many people have become depended on to make it through the day. They are used to give individuals a quick energy boost to help achieve things that need done. Today many people question how safe energy drinks really are, as for the quick energy they supply. They are known to cause multiple health issues such as: anxiety, restlessness, nervousness, stomach problems, and even cardiac arrest. In fact, there was a sixteen year old girl who went on vacation with friends to Mexico, she died from cardiac arrest after consuming an energy drink (Engel). Surprisingly this is a well-known fact, and still many people continue to consume the drinks and ignore the risks. They seem to accept the shocking circumstances because it helps them achieve things that need to be done, when they need the most energy. Not all the side effects of energy drinks are bad. They are known to boost metabolism, which can help people who find it hard to lose weight. Even though there are some short term health benefits of energy drink consumption, there are many long term health affects including death. Also, adolescence have greater risks after consuming these beverages and it also affects the people in their everyday lives. Energy drinks were introduced to the market in 1987 and since then they have grown enormously. Energy drinks typically consist of caffeine, gaurana,Show MoreRelatedAddiction : Coffee And Energy Drinks990 Words   |  4 Pageselectronics, but as time progresses, coffee and energy drinks have become one of American’s top addictions. Both drinks are consumed on a daily basis by many to help with their workload and to boost their energy levels. Although, coffee and energy drinks share some health issues, alteration of moods, and provision of energy, they differ in the amount of sugar and caffeine they contain. Coffee is a brewed drink made from roasted coffee beans. This drink contains caffeine and is consumed by many aroundRead MorePersuasive Essay On Energy Drinks1295 Words   |  6 Pagesschool night for studying or playing games or anything. The next morning they’re too tired and sometimes they oversleep and are late for school. To solve this problem, they just drink a can of Red bull or any kind of energy drink so they don’t fall asleep in class. Energy drinks are one of the most popular drinks in the United States. Energy drinks arent healthy and are loaded with high amounts of caffeine. They contain ingredients that are harmful to the body. People may think they wake a person upRead MoreHow Energy Drinks Affect Health1135 Words   |  5 PagesHow Energy Drinks Affect Health Have you ever been drinking an energy drink and asked yourself, â€Å"is this good for me? Am I hurting my body by drinking this?† Well, I have done some research that shows the pros and cons of consuming energy drinks. Energy drinks are good for your health. Some studies show that they can improve memory,concentration, and athletic performance. Many energy drinks can contain B vitamins, water-soluble vitamins that aid in cell metabolism and support nervous and immune systemRead MoreCauses And Consequences Of Energy Drinks927 Words   |  4 Pagespeople looking hard for quick and easy ways to recover their energy level these days. It would be important to know if energy drinks have any benefits to human. On the other hand, what degree in consumption of energy drinks should need extra health warning and a ban on children, adolescents or young adults to drink them? At the end of day, everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions, but how much do we know about energy drinks? The story was published on18th of January 2016 by DailyMailRead MoreThe Danger Of Using Energy Drinks830 Words   |  4 PagesThe Danger Of Using Energy Drinks Americans use of energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar has more than doubled since 2008. Red Bull alone had annual sales in the US of almost 11 billion dollars in 2013. Government studies of energy drink-related emergency room visits and hospitalization have lead to the conclusion that the consumption of energy drinks is an increasing public health problem. This is also evidenced by the rising number of product liability and wrongful death lawsuitsRead MoreSpeech : Energy Drinks, Health Benefits, And Risks1051 Words   |  5 PagesTitle: Energy drinks, health benefits, and risks. Introduction Attention Getting Device: How many of you all drink energy by a raise of hands So a lot people, today in going to tell you the health factors that in valve drinking energy drinks. Thesis/Central Purpose (i.e. The purpose of my speech is to____________) The purpose of my speech today is to inform you the health benefits and negatives of drinking energy drinks. I am also going to explain to you the more healthy energy drinks, thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Monster On The Loose 1232 Words   |  5 Pagesstudents tend to procrastinate and stress out. This results in lack of sleep. With that, this leads to the consumption of an energy drink, such as a Monster. This product made its debut around 2002. From there, the production rate has skyrocketed its sales in the 20th century. The Hansen Beverage company is the owner of this product and has been accused of many health-related problems, and despite their increase in sales each year; their price is similar to any other beverage making it inexpensive. OneRead MoreThe Death Of A Drink Energy Drinks Stop Or You ll Be Next778 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The beginning of this year I lost my big brother he was 19 years old, he drank one monster and passed out at the park, they rushed him to the h ospital and he died there on Jan17, 2015. If you drink energy drinks stop or you ll be next† (Savannah swift on December 23, 2015), â€Å"I use to drink this poison along with my friend before going to gym to keep up with routine...then my friend got sick. He was rushed to the E.R, two hours later he died of liver failure. I still suffer from palpitations andRead MoreAddiction : Coffee And Energy Drinks914 Words   |  4 Pagesbut as time progresses, coffee and energy drinks have become one of American’s top addiction. Both drinks are consumed on a daily basis by many to help with their workload and to boost their energy levels. Although, coffee and energy drinks share some similarities, they differ to some extent. Majority of the things we consume is bad in some way, as both coffee and energy drinks affect our health. Coffee, although natural could lead to negative health problems later on in life. Consuming such a beverageRead MoreThe Consumption Of Energy Drinks1538 Words   |  7 Pageshave consumed an energy drink or at least know what energy drinks are. Their popularity on the rise energy drinks such as Red Bull and Monster are the hottest-selling component of the beverage industry, but experts in the medical field are warning the population about the possible health hazards they pose and demanding for better regulation. The highest consumers of energy drinks are adolescents and they are mostly likely to abuse the consumption of the beverage. With the health hazards the beverages

Monday, December 16, 2019

Middle East History Free Essays

The war between Iran and Iraq occurred when Iraq invaded Iran in September 1980 in an attempt to regain border territory it had ceded in 1975. Iraqi forces seized control of some Arab-populated border regions. After Iran drove Iraqi forces put of most of the invaded territory in 1982, the war turned into a stalemate. We will write a custom essay sample on Middle East History or any similar topic only for you Order Now A cease fire went into effect in 1988. The factors that had let to this war were likely because of the conflict between the two countries regarding the border debate or argument. In Iraq, internal guerilla warfare began in 1961, when Iraq refused to grant self-government to its Kurdish tribesmen in the north. The in 1963, their leader was overthrown was overthrown in a military revolt. The new government followed a socialist, Arab nationalist policy, but was wracked by rivalry between factions supporting and opposing Egypt’s President, Nasser. A peace with the Kurds was concluded in 1966, but skirmishes continued. Iraq was a member of the Arab Alliance that was defeated in the Six Day War against Israel in June, 1967. However, few Iraqi troops were involved in combat. In 1968, the Kurds resumed hostilities against the government. In 1970, Kurdish autonomy was recognized, but many Kurds, supported by aid from Iran, continued the Rebellion. During the 1970’s, large increases in oil prices made it possible for the shah to accelerate the modernization of Iran and to build up the country’s military strength on a massive scale. In 1978 protests over the shah’s rule began to grow. Much of the opposition came from conservative religious leaders, led by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who opposed modernization because it was contrary to traditional Islamic ways. Many opponents, however, some of them socialists and Communists, demanded a more equal distribution of wealth and an end to dictatorial rule. In 1974, the country started giving weapons for war to the Kurds. In 1975 Iran agreed to end its aid to the Kurds in exchange for some disputed territory. The Kurdish rebellion then collapsed. Saddam wanted to occupy Iran’s near to the oil and its feeble military which Saddam though for revolutionary disorder. The aggressor was Saddam Hussein. Because he wanted that the river which they were arguing will be owned by Iraqi- Arab, to bring back the essence through the history and that they had all the rights over the river. The only thing that hinders or stops the two countries from fighting was the Arvand Rud waterway, where in they had an agreement. Saddam wanted to display to the whole nations his conquering of other place but was just using the area of dispute as a front. Reference; Marr, Phebe. The Modern History of Iraq (West view Press, 1985). How to cite Middle East History, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Lonely Hearts Wendy Cope Essay Example For Students

Lonely Hearts Wendy Cope Essay The title of the piece, tells the reader exactly What the poem is about While the writers thoughts are followed throughout the length of the poem with the writers unique style. Copes approach Of classified advertisements captures the readers imagination and understanding that one may be so desperate to find love that he would go to many extremes to find someone special. Through word choice, diction, imagery and irony, she keeps the readers attention. Cope, starts her poem with a modest request, Can someone make my simple wish come true? As simple as this wish may be, the reader is left to identify a number of things. Is their multiple speakers or just one deranged person, who is entangled in a web of problems? The vocabulary itself isnt so unusual, however, the requirements of the seeker is. Its contradictory for a straight man to seek a gay vegetarian or a bisexual woman. That leaves the reader to believe the ads are from a cross section of errors who live or desire a person from North London and has no desire to seek somebody from outside this area to make their simple wish to come true. The author is repetitive with this notion and the repetition leads the reader to consider the speakers to be in a state of desperation. The writer use these as examples, to show the depth of loneliness and how far the seekers will go to find love reverting to the classified ads. The words used are easy to understand and dont require the use off dictionary but it goes hand in hand with the idea of reading a classified ad. The word choice is still dramatic and helps to paint the picture of the person or persons placing these ads. This simplistic approach allows the reader to make a decision on Who the speaker is and What they are looking for and still leaving questions within their minds. The choice of the title is a clear example the simple word choice, but yet it means much more than what we read. The reader can tell that these people are indeed lonely, you would think that they would take any person that may come their way. However, they seem as if they seek perfection, which we know cannot be found in one person, Hereford they may end up back to this classified ad in the near future. Imagery along with a touch of irony is found within the poem to pull the reader into the poem. The speakers describe exactly who they are, and what they are looking for in the person who they seek. Executive in search of something new-perhaps bisexual woman, arty, young. Do you live in North London? Is it you? (7) Within the captioned lines, we see exactly who the person is and what they seek, The reader can envision who the person is almost to the point where we are able to e them dressed in their character. It is very ironic the speakers choice of finding a match for themselves, You would think persons this lonely would make time to try to go out to find a person. However, they write an ad and hope that someone valued read the ad and find them. This thought seems to be ironic for persons who find themselves in a place of desperation like the captioned persons. They shouldve been looking at social Spots or events to find that which they are seeking. Lonely Hearts conveys a deep sense of desperation of hose Who seek alternative methods Of finding love. This trend Of matchmaking has significantly grown from the classified ads to the internet websites where persons seek Others through the posting Of ads. The use Of word choice, diction, imagery and irony, Cope shows her readers that the only way to fix a Lonely Heart is to find someone to love and that is not very simple to do.