Thursday, October 31, 2019

Compare the representation on I tituba, black witch of salem (Maryse Research Paper

Compare the representation on I tituba, black witch of salem (Maryse conde's) and the salem witch trials in the Crucible, film based on Arthur miller's play - Research Paper Example Thus we can say that both the story telling traditions had elements of magic and mysticism incorporated into it. Suddenly in the year 1692 the family members of Samuel Parris suffered from strange fits and the cause of such fits were attributed to witch craft. Then in the process Tituba and two other women were condemned as witches and the cause of the suffering of the Parris family. During the trial the two other women said that they did not know anything about the witches. But Tituba gave detail descriptions of witches and told that she had tried to kill the children. As a result Tituba and the other women were sent to jails. By the end of May in the year 1692 the prisons were filled with women who were arrested because it was believed that they practiced witch craft. Those who were arrested were not tried for long years and when they were tried they were easily accused without any evidences. Only claiming a lady to be witch was enough to accuse her as a witch and hence started the trend of witch craft in the village of Salem. (Wilson, 17-37). â€Å"The Crucible† is a movie based on the play of Arthur Miller the significant characters are John Proctor, Abigail Williams and Reverend Hale. It was Abigail Williams who had set the tempo of the film. Abigail was an orphan unmarried girl and in the society of Salem her position was not more than those of the status of Tituba and the other servants. Therefore there was a growing frustration in her mind and she wanted to uplift her position and wanted to gain importance in the eyes of the society. She could easily achieve her desire with the hysteria she created with the witch craft. She was able to instigate all the other members of her group to use the theme of witch craft and with the help of her group members she was able to send nineteen members to the jail. After this the situation was such that just the words of the girls were enough to send anybody from Salem to the jail under the allegation of

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