Friday, May 22, 2020

Hidden Curriculum and Processes Within Schools Produce...

Hidden Curriculum and Processes Within Schools Produce Inequalities Between Children of Different Social Classes Through many different researches, it has been shown that working class students are underachieving compared to that of their middle class peers. Middle class pupils are obtaining better grades, and more of them are staying on in education past the compulsory age. The difference that is noticeable is that they are from different social class backgrounds, and therefore they are socialised differently. In order to find out more about this, we need to discuss the reasons for differences between the ways in which the different social classes are taught in schools. The hidden curriculum†¦show more content†¦It could be that they are interested, but have more important work commitments; therefore they dont have time to visit the school. Also, the parents may be put off from visiting the school due to the ways in which the teachers interact with them. Teachers are more likely to have a better attitude to parents of middle class than working class, and this may be putting the parents off visiting the school and paying attention to their childs education. Many schools have a system where classes are divided into different ability groups. This is known as streaming. Peter Woods is a sociologist, whose research found that, in general, middle class students were placed in higher ability groups, and working class students were in lower groups. Most teachers admitted to having a preference of teaching the higher sets, because the students were better behaved. When educating the lower groups, the teacher often spent more time controlling behaviour, rather than teaching. The lower groups often had an anti-school subculture, in which breaking school rules was regarded as cool by some students. Due to this anti-school subculture and poor behaviour of the lower ability students, the teachers often expected less from them. 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